We provide a wide array of support services in an effort to decrease the number of teen pregnancies in our community. Services we offer include:

Pregnancy Prevention Performances: a collection of teen parents have developed a classroom performance that allows students to see, first hand, the challenges and difficulties they face as teen parents. These performances are taken to the local middle and high schools in an effort to educate teens about the painful, life changing consequences of teenage pregnancy and parenting. Our goal is to reduce teen pregnancy by sharing the truth about how difficult it is to be a teen parent, by speaking openly and honestly about sex, birth control, and STIs, and by providing education and counseling for students struggling with how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. Dr. Alexandra Smithmixter accompanies the teen performers at all events to supervise sharing from the teen parents, to facilitate educational discussions between the teen parents and the school audience, and to provide any counseling referrals from audience members who request support regarding their own sexual health.

Support Groups: Pregnant and parenting teens in our support groups will be given emotional support and educational resources with the goal of reducing repeat pregnancies and STI transmission, and increasing their knowledge and access to birth control options and domestic violence resources. Members of this group will be given the support and education needed to decrease their risky behaviors and increased their developmental assets.

Individual and Family Counseling: Individuals and family counseling is available for teens who are engaging in high-risk sexual behaviors, as well as for pregnant & parenting teens who may be in crisis. Once teens are no longer in crisis, we encourage them to continue receiving support in one of our support groups.

Leadership Performance Group: Parenting teens in our leadership performance group will be given the unique opportunity to share with peers their personal stories and life difficulties of what it is like to be a teen parent, with the hope that their peers will choose to protect themselves against unwanted pregnancies after watching our teen pregnancy prevention performance. Through the process of preparing for these performances teens will increase leadership skills, public speaking skills, and overall confidence.

For more information on any of these services,
please contact Dr. Smithmixter using our "contact us" page.