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I live and work in Mountain View. I got pregnant when I was 14, my daughter is five years old now. I joined Blossom because it feels good to know I am helping educate other teens about what it is like having children at such a young age. I love taking care of my daughter, but I wish I had waited until I was older to have her so I could provide her with a better life.
Dr. Alexandra Smithmixter
Program Director
It is a great privilege to support and lead this amazing group of women as they seek to reach out to today's adolescent population. The personal stories and messages the Blossom members share during performances are a testament to how difficult it is to be a teen parent. The Blossom Project is a powerful and effective way to share what it means to have a child at such a young age, how it affects one's life, relationships, and future.
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Since getting pregnant at age 15 I've begun attending the Young Parent Program at Mountain View Adult Education. I am a sophomore now, and am working hard to complete my high school diploma. My baby is due in January of 2009, and I am so excited to welcome her into the world. Blossom gives me a good opportunity to educate people about what it's like to be pregnant in High School, I don't think people have any idea how difficult it is going to be until it is happening to them. I hope hearing my story will help other people to make careful decisions about their own lives.

As soon as I got pregnant at age 15 I began learning how difficult it is to be pregnant and then to have a child as a teenager. My boyfriend and I are still together, but even with two parents helping to raise our baby, it is still much harder to raise a child as a teen. I am still in school, but my boyfriend had to stop going to school to get a job to support us. I am really glad to be in Blossom because I hope that other teens will hear my story and decide to wait to have a baby until they are older and more prepared.

When I got pregnant at age 16 I knew it was going to be hard to raise a baby, but I had no idea how hard it would be. I don't get any help from my daughter's father but I am almost done with High School, I have a good job, and I am doing the best I can. Blossom provides me with a great support group, and gives me the opportunity to go into the community to share my story with other teens so they can hopefully make a different decision than I did.

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